Model # WDP560HAMZ
Item # 121097 | SKU # WDP560HAMZ-FC3101822Write a review
Whirlpool 24" Built-in Dishwasher in Fingerprint Resistant Stainless Steel
Model # WDP560HAMZ
Item # 121097 | SKU # WDP560HAMZ-FC3101822Write a review
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Clean dishes with a 55 dBA quiet dishwasher. This dishwasher’s Adjustable Upper Rack can be lowered or raised to accommodate taller items while an 11'' Cup Shelf frees up space. It also includes a Boost Cycle that provides extra effort for stubborn messes and a Triple Filtration Wash System that filters food particles and cleans water between wash stages.
Specifications | |
BUILT IN | Yes |
COLOR FAMILY | Fingerprint Resistant Stainless Steel |
DEPTH IN. | 24.56 |
HEIGHT IN. | 33.5 |
WIDTH IN. | 23.88 |
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